Category: Weight Loss

Weight Loss Strategies For Adults Over 50

Who knew so many things would change on the very day we turn 50. Suddenly we can no longer read anything in small print, wrinkles show up around our eyes and mouth, and in addition, we can’t lose a pound. Obviously this is a bit of an exaggeration, but losing weight does get harder over 50. Why is this, and what can you do about it? These weight loss strategies for adults over 50 may help!

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When Is It Time To Consider Bariatric Surgery?

When is it time to consider bariatric surgery? If you are reading this article right now you may already know the answer.  If you have been thinking about taking action, your first step is to understand why it’s so important for your health, and then talk to Advanced Surgeons, P.C. to find out if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

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Reasons Why You May Need A Doctor’s Help With Weight Loss

If you are someone who has tried in vain to lose weight, maybe it’s time you sought help from Advanced Surgeons, P.C.. Yo-yo dieting and fads are typically unhealthy and you tend to put the weight back on.  If you truly want to drop the pounds, here are some important reasons why you may need a doctor’s help with weight loss.

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