Category: Hernia

Why You Should Still Seek Hernia Repair During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There are many key reasons why you should seek hernia repair during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, right now there are many types of important surgeries and follow up treatments being cancelled and postponed. In most cases this is due to patient anxiety concerning COVID-19 and less about lack of surgical availability. The key takeaway is don’t put your health at risk either way!

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The Serious Risks You’re Taking by Not Treating a Hernia

There are avowed procrastinators who abide by the saying: “Don’t rush me, I’m waiting for the last minute.” That might be funny if the topic was inconsequential, but getting treatment for a hernia would not be one of them. The serious risks you’re taking by not treating a hernia are no joke, and delaying needed surgery is never a good idea.

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